A beginners guide to plane spotting

  • Date : 11th October, 2022
  • Time : 6 Min Read

We all have hobbies that we enjoy. Some people loves to read, others like to play sports. Some people like to collect things, and others like to build things. Whatever your hobby is, it's a great way to spend your free time.

Plane spotting is a fascinating hobby that anyone can enjoy. Whether you're a casual observer or a die-hard enthusiast doesn't matter. There's something for everyone. All you need is a bit of patience and a good pair of binoculars. Once you've got that, you're ready to start spotting planes.

What is plane spotting?

Plane spotting is the observation of aircraft. It can be done with the naked eye through binoculars, telescopes, cameras, etc. The great thing about plane spotting is that it can be done anywhere worldwide. Whether you live near an airport or not, there are always opportunities to see planes. If you live near an airport, you can sit and watch the planes come and go. If you don't live near an airport, you can find a spot where you can see the sky and look for planes.

Man taking photos of an aeroplane

How to start plane spotting

There are several ways to get started in plane spotting. An excellent way to start is by visiting an airport and observing the different types of planes that fly in and out. Some websites, such as Plane Finder and Flight Aware, allow users to track the flight paths of planes in real-time. In addition, many plane spotting clubs and groups meet regularly to discuss plane spotting and share information.

What to take/equipment needed

To begin with, Of course, a camera is required, ideally not just a smartphone camera, but a DSLR or mirrorless camera. Because you rarely get near the action and a long focal length is required, the camera should have a wide focus range. If you only want to take notes on the aircraft, bring binoculars. If you have your equipment but have never used a camera before, you should practise at home before embarking on an airport journey.

Apart from the camera, a few other items to consider while planning a prolonged plane spotting session. Check the environment before you begin, as some spots are in the middle of nowhere and require a long walk or drive! Be prepared with food and beverages, appropriate clothing and footwear, sunscreen, and bug spray. If you want to stay near the airport barrier, you may need to use a ladder. Most airports have 4-5 stairs, and a small camping chair will make a longer stay more pleasurable.

Airport Plane Spotting

The first plane spotting enthusiasts

The word "planespotter" first appeared during World War II, when many countries encouraged individuals to observe aircraft for public safety. The Royal Observer Corps was in charge of organising this throughout the United Kingdom.

This practice even inspired a magazine called "The Aeroplane Spotter." This was initially created to assist spotters in identifying various aircraft types. However, it sparked attention that lasted long after its retirement in 1948. Following the war, aircraft enthusiasts formed various organisations and media to share their experiences.

Planespotting originated as a hobby in the late 1940s and has developed consistently since then. Aircraft have continued to evolve and attract new attention. Just as trains transitioned from steam to diesel, aviation transitioned to jets..

Is plane spotting popular?

Group of people plane spotting

Plane spottingis a popular pastime for many people. For some, it is a way to relax and get out of the city. For others, sharing a unique experience with friends is a way. Regardless of whether some people enjoy plane spotting, many people dismiss it as a boring or "nerdy" hobby before submitting to the problem on their first or subsequent visits. You could bring a friend, which is entirely optional. If you're alone, there are frequently opportunities to communicate with other spotters who are eager to share their knowledge. You might even be invited to join their organisation online, in person, or both. The stranger next to you could be a former or current aircraft employee with a wealth of expertise to give. Aviation enthusiasts' fairs are also conducted in many regions, providing opportunities to meet other enthusiasts and purchase memorabilia.

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